Today, in “Removing Money Blocks” you will learn how to manifest with ease.
The first insight is to understand that practical manifestation is the secret.
Many believe they need magical powers to manifest, but that is untrue.
Manifestation is simply taking what you want but do not have (the unmanifest) to what you have (the manifest).
For example, you go from: “I want x” to “I achieve x.”
From “I would love a $500,000 net worth” to “I have a $500,000 net worth.”
Or, “I want two new clients this month,” to “I acquire two new clients this month.”
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What are Money Blocks?
Money blocks can be thoughts, visions, feelings, beliefs, etc.,
They often get in the way of achieving your desired goal in any area of your business, money, and life.
Examples of terms used to describe money blocks include abundance or wealth blocks, or a poverty consciousness.
Blocks cause various problems and challenges and keep you from achieving your desired results. Examples may include growing your business, accumulating wealth, making more money, advancing your career, developing healthy relationships, achieving peace of mind, sleep, and losing or maintaining weight, to name a few.
In the previous episodes, your assignment was to determine which blocks and beliefs affected you and prevented you from achieving your goal. If you have not completed this exercise, schedule it into your calendar, as removing money blocks is difficult, if not impossible, if you don’t know which ones are keeping you from manifesting with ease.
Today, in “Removing Money Blocks,” you will learn examples of abundance blockages that keep you from manifesting what you want, such as wealth and financial success.
What are my money blocks?
People often ask how to determine which beliefs keep them from manifesting with ease. Examples of success and abundance blockages include:
- I am not enough.
- Money is not spiritual, or it is evil, and that is why you are broke.
- Wealthy people are dishonest.
- I am not good with money or finances.
- Money will not bring me happiness (and neither will poverty!).
- I never achieve my goal, so why should I even try?
- Releasing money blocks takes time and is hard, so why should I put in the effort?
- I work so hard at my career. Therefore, I deserve to spend my money how I want (A successful woman earning over $85,000 and on the brink of financial disaster shared this.).
- Money doesn’t grow on trees (This one is so common, and it actually does grow on trees!).
If you need support with your money or mindset, start here:
- My partner enjoys dealing with the money, so they handle our financial matters.
- I will never achieve success, so why try?
- Money or wealth is the root of all evil (It is the love of money!)
- Rich people are stingy, crooked, or dishonest.
- I want to enjoy my life now (You can love your life now and in the future!).
- Money is so stressful, so I ignore it.
How to Discover Subconscious Money Blocks
Many of our challenges in life are obvious, like a barricade blocking us from driving over a bridge. Other money blocks are subconscious, meaning we don’t consciously know they exist. Unconscious blocks often wreak havoc in our lives, like a nail on the road.
The less apparent challenges require more effort to identify and release.
Review the list of top money blocks to help you discover which barriers may be hard-wired into your beliefs. Before you rule it out, take a few days and notice how you respond and what comes up. Paying attention to your thoughts, words, and actions can go a long way in helping you to identify what is keeping you stuck.
What Will Happen When I Remove Money Blockages
While everyone’s situation is different, your results will likely improve when you remove the success and abundance roadblocks in your life. When you eliminate a barrier to a freeway, you can drive on that highway. The same is true when you remove obstacles in your life.
A sample of results achieved by removing money blocks from your life include:
- Manifesting what you want with ease, which means you can achieve your goal.
- For example: Instead of affirming “I think I want to earn $100,000,” to “I earn $100,000.”
- Attracting more success in all areas of your business and life. For example, you acquire more clients, find the perfect partner, or build more wealth .
- Replacing a poverty mindset with an abundance consciousness. You shift from believing there isn’t enough money to knowing you and your family will achieve your financial goals.
- Reducing worry, fear, and anxiety about your future. As a result, you become more confident and self-assured, knowing you are more than capable of achieving your goals with ease.
- Replacing a belief that you are not enough with one where you know you are perfect, just as you are.
In “Removing Money Blocks,” you will learn:
- One of the most common barriers and beliefs that keep you stuck.
- How beliefs are formed so that you can remove them.
- Samples of subconscious money blocks and how to identify them.
- How to focus so you can easily remove money blocks.
- How to release barriers so that you can grow your wealth.
- Why understanding the psychology of money is so critical to changing unhealthy behaviors.
- The top success and mental blocks you need to remove so you can manifest with ease.
- Examples of beliefs formed early in your life that are causing you problems now.
- The most impactful affirmative statement.
- Some great best abundance affirmations.
- How to access books to help you remove and replace obstacles, beliefs, and barriers.
Click the image to watch the “Removing Money Blocks” episode:
Summary -Removing Money Blocks So You Can Manifest With Ease
While it can seem overwhelming initially, the secret is to begin.
First, identify all the blocks and beliefs that are impacting you. The goal is progress, not perfection. It is important to prioritize the barriers and challenges you identified in #1. (the most impactful to the least).
4. Pay attention and notice what subconscious money blocks surface.
If you do not have a spending plan or do not know where to begin, click here:
5. Identify when you overspend or ignore your budget.
6. Create a to-do list and then prioritize the actions you need to take.
7. Begin working to remove or replace your top money block.
8. Reward yourself for taking action.
By taking one step in the right direction, you can change the trajectory of your life. Simply keep your eye on your desired destination and see the results begin.
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To living fulfilled and wealthy,