What started as a dream became a reality.
I grew up in a middle-class family in a small town in the Midwest. To afford new clothes and extras, I was a waitress. It was there that I met my first millionaire mentor.
His life was everything mine wasn’t.
He could travel, buy what he wanted, and spend time doing what he loved. It was then that I realized what was missing in my life was money.
My mentor hired me to conduct research. While he had money, his life was plagued with personal challenges. I realized that while I wanted money, I wanted a fulfilled life.
Before I could afford to, I began investing $25 per month, and today, over 35 years later, I am a deca-millionaire. And while I get that it is a huge milestone, what is more important is that I live a fulfilled life (at least on most days!) :). And that is what I want for you… to live a fulfilled financially secure life you love!
I will do everything I can to provide you with the information, tools, and resources you need to make that a reality. All I ask of you is that you do your part and meet me half way. No one but you can change your situation. I will provide you with the necessary information to make it a reality. The first insight is the formula to create your desired results.
Right knowledge + right action = amazing results.
Let’s make it a reality, together!
Welcome to The Millionaire Insider®!
Hi, I’m Annette Bau, CFP®, host of the Wealth Inside and Out® podcast, and founder of The Millionaire Insider®.
Like others in our Millionaire Insider® Community, you want a richer retirement and a life with purpose, fulfillment, and enough money to make your dreams possible.
If you want to create a financially secure life you love. , the first critical step is to create your formula.
This includes a solid inner game (foundation), a winning strategy (game plan) that works for you, and a well-executed plan (outer game).
To achieve any money, life, or business goal, you need to:
- Get clear on what you want.
- Remove the money and success blocks that keep you stuck.
- Create a strategy that ensures your dreams become a reality.
- Consistently execute your strategy (regardless of the distractions that come your way!).
While the path to creating a richer life is simple, it requires discipline and, at times, may feel overwhelming.
Add family, kids, partners, friends, and careers to the mix, and your goal may seem impossible.
I get it; I have been there.
And yes, it can be challenging. But, if you learn one thing from me, let it be that creating the life of your dreams is possible and worth it! And that the simple secret to creating a richer, more fulfilling life begins by creating a winning formula. I will share more about that, but before I get ahead of myself, let me introduce myself!
Hi, I’m Annette Bau, CFP® (bah oo), founder of The Millionaire Insider® Academy and MillionaireSeries.com®, wife, mother of three kids and two dogs. Based on my 30+ years of advising, strategizing, and researching the top one to two percent of millionaires, I can assure you that creating the life of your dreams is worth it.
I get how challenging the journey can be because I have been there – single and wondering how I would support my daughter and myself. I also know what it is like to make choices that get you closer to some of your goals but come at the sacrifice of family time, relationships, and health.
The Insight that Changed Everything
I grew up in a blue-collar, middle-class family. While I am thankful for my upbringing and the values I learned, including the importance of hard work and that having money or success doesn’t make you better than another, some of the beliefs about money and wealth required me to completely rewire my inner game, specifically my Worth Barometer (beliefs and self-esteem).
Because my parents were not wealthy, I had to work to afford new clothes each year for school.
And while this wasn’t a bad thing, it required that I figure out how to make money.
My serial entrepreneur journey began at four years old when I old-baby-sitting for our neighbor (yes, the thought that someone would entrust me to watch her two-year-old baby is terrifying to me, too!). During my early years, I had several income sources. In addition to babysitting, I earned money from animal care, yard work, making and selling yarn on hangers (door-to-door), selling lemonade, cleaning hotel rooms (this job lasted one day – cleaning filthy hotel rooms wasn’t my thing), and waitressing.
Because I could make great money waitressing (I made more money waitressing part-time my senior year in college than I did my first year as a financial planner), that became my primary income source. Waitressing had another perk – I could meet and live vicariously through the millionaires in our small rural community in the mid-west. Every time they came in, I would ask them questions. These millionaires would share details of their trips and business ventures, and I was fascinated. I quickly determined that the one thing missing from my life was money!
I knew that everything in my life would be perfect once I had money. It’s easy to feel this way when you don’t have money…
After getting my B.S. in Finance and becoming a Certified Financial Planner™, it became obvious that the secret to my success was to find out what successful people did differently than others so I could replicate it. And so I began advising the upper echelon of millionaires. I quickly learned that there were two types of millionaires:
- The first were miserable people. Regardless of their success, they were rarely fulfilled, often took no ownership or responsibility, and whose entire focus was what I refer to as “the disease of more.” They often had health and other challenges, including relationship failures. Their money life was a roller coaster – having money and then not. And they commonly had a low Worth Barometer (misaligned beliefs and low self-esteem).
- The second group was different. They were optimistic, fulfilled, took ownership and responsibility, and loved their life. They had challenges, as we all do, but their focus was on a solution to resolve them. They had a financially free life they loved.
Witnessing this firsthand was a game changer and became my passion for determining the difference between the two groups. I promised that if I could figure it out, I would make it available to anyone desiring to create a richer and more fulfilling life (a financially free life they love). And that is the entire purpose of MillionaireSeries.com® and The Millionaire Insider® Academy.
One of my first major discoveries was that…
Everything in life has a formula. Yes, EVERYTHING!
Think about it… there is a formula for:
- Success and another for failure
- Financial freedom and another for bankruptcy
- Becoming a millionaire with an amazing life and becoming a millionaire with a miserable life
- Health and another for illness
- A life with drama and chaos and another for a calm life
The best news is that if you are not achieving your desired results, you simply need to change your formula.
If you want the Formula guide that makes your dream life a reality, start here: The Formula.
Our Millionaire Insider® Academy is here to support you in creating your unique formula so you can make any dream a reality.
And if you want financial and life success – just like me- you can achieve it.
For example, I went from struggling, being overworked, and wanting to give up to create a richer life with more wealth, fulfillment, and purpose than I could have imagined.
I went from growing up in a middle-class family and being told I would never make it as a young female financial advisor to earning my Bachelor of Science in Finance and CFP® designation. I also became known as “The Millionaire Insider*reg;” while serving the top one to two percent of millionaires for over 30 years (22 as a top financial advisor). I have achieved a net worth goal that is hard for me to believe (and I think big!).
And then from advising seven-, eight-, and even nine-figure entrepreneurs and business owners to creating my own seven-figure portfolios in various venues (i.e., real estate, retirement accounts, personal investments, and small businesses). Then I created MillionaireSeries.com® and have helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, financial advisors, and coaches create their dream businesses and lives, authoring articles in leading publications, writing five books and numerous best-selling products, and becoming an international speaker.
My clients are spread over 50 countries and range from individuals to major companies.
A partial list of advisor and consultant affiliations includes Wachovia, IG, Ameritas, TD Ameritrade, InvestaCorp, Wells Fargo, Chase Private Wealth Management, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Scotia McLeod, Raymond James, Jefferson Pilot, Mass Mutual, Lincoln Financial, New York Life Insurance Co., Guardian, The Principal Financial Group, Allstate, Sun Life, AFLAC, AG Edwards, LPL Financial Services, Financial Network, Provident Financial, Physicians Mutual, Prudential, Farmers, State Farm, Global View Capital Advisors as well as numerous IMOs and FMOs.
One of the most important benefits of creating a new formula is that it allows you to how you spend your time. So you can work because you want to, travel the world, and do what you love. For me, that means I get to hike, ski (ok, truth be told, skiing with my kids is more of an Olympic workout), practice yoga, meditate, read, spend time with my family and friends, and live between my homes. And most of all – prove that creating a richer and more fulfilling life, aka a financially free life you love, is possible and worth it.
Truth be told. This picture is over six years old but is one of my favorites! My little guy on the right is over 6″5″ and plays volleyball for a D1 university. Watching him play is one of my favorite pastimes!
With all my success, my family is my greatest achievement and the most fulfilling part of my life. My three wonderful kids and husband are the foundation of my life. My husband is a cornerstone of our businesses and lives. He and our children motivate me to continue streamlining my approach and provide value to everyone seeking to live a richer life!
While most people believe that success has a lot to do with talent or luck… at MillionaireSeries.com®, we know that is not true. We also know that success is not found in a silver bullet or get-rich-quick scheme; instead, it comes from creating a solid foundation, winning strategy, and taking consistent, right action.
We also know that a lot of success is boring and mundane. And it requires that you program your mind for success, elevate your “Worth Barometer” (beliefs and self-esteem), get clear on “What” you want, “Why” you want it and then determine “How” to best get it.
Regardless of your goal, we want you to know that we’re committed to providing you with the road map and practical tools you need to make your dream a reality.
So how can I help you achieve success?
Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast
Our free The Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast is a great place to start. We provide insight to secure a financial future and retirement you love. This podcast is different – it’s about much more than money. We talk about mindset, success, money blocks, worth barometer, and all aspects of money and topics from practical manifestation, real-world how-to, and everything in between, with the goal of making your journey easier and more fun.
Depending on where you need help, we have resources to support you.
If you want…
- A winning formula, start here: The Millionaire Insider’s® Formula Guide.
- If you are a financial advisor or money coach, start here: Advisors & Coaches
- To get on a direct flight so you can achieve your goals, begin here: One-on-One Strategy Session
Additional Resources and Details
The Millionaire Mindset Guide
The Millionaire Mindset Guide provides over 40 years of insight and research on how successful think. You will learn how they view money and what they do differently. This information in this guide is not available any other place in the world.
Access the resource here: The Millionaire Mindset Guide
The Millionaire Insider® Channel
Our free Millionaire Insider® Channel is a great place to start. We provide insight to create a solid inner game (foundation). This includes creating a success mindset, removing money and success blocks, developing a winning strategy that works for you, engaging a financial advisor or money coach, and consistently executing your plan.
The Worth Barometer Guide
The Worth Barometer Guide is based on 30 years of insight and research on achieving success – in business, life, and money. Your Worth Barometer combines your beliefs and self-esteem and is the #1 indicator of your success or lack thereof. This guide provides the blueprint needed to elevate your Worth Barometer so you can succeed.
Access the resource here: Worth Barometer Guide
If you are serious about taking your business and life to the next level, our Millionaire Insider® Academy is exactly what you need! Our member results speak for themselves. Results include increases in revenue of up to 775%, referrals of up to 1220%, and new AUM of up to $80 million. I get that it sounds too good to be true, but these are actual numbers.
Your Next Step Assessment
The Next Step Assessment will guide you in determining what you should do next. Our assessment is easy and designed to help us determine how to best support you. The assessment is easy and can save you years of the time it takes to get clarity, direction, and desired results.
For more information, go here: Next Step Assessment
One-on-One Business Strategy Session
A Strategy Session provides the step-by-step process to develop a solid foundation, create a winning strategy, and a solid plan, so you know exactly what you need to do to get to the next level. A strategy session is your best choice if you want a 10,000-foot view of your situation to determine the best action to achieve your goal.
For more information, go here: One-on-One Strategy Session
Millionaire Insider® Books
The 7 Millionaire Principles – More Wealth, Success, and Fulfillment provides you with over 30+ years of in-the-trenches insight, research, strategies, and discoveries on what you need to know and do to become a millionaire with an amazing life.
The 7 Principles provides you with the step-by-step blueprint you need to get on a direct flight to a financially free life you love. Purchase the book here: The 7 Principles
101 Insider Secrets for Marketing to Affluent Women is based on real-world research, insight, and hands-on-experience on what you need to know and do to market to and serve affluent women effectively (& couples).
This resource provides the research, insider secrets, and strategies you need to get your share of this $20 trillion market. It also shares the five types of women and how to market to each group effectively.
Access the book here: 101 Insider Secrets
Thanks again for accessing our Millionaire Insider® Community! We are excited to help you create a formula to win in business, in life, and with your money.
Now, let’s get to helping you create a financially free life you love!