Updated October 24th, 2023.
Do you ever wish that you knew things years ago? Or that you could reduce the time of your learning curve, or you had insight and wisdom that could change the trajectory of your business, life, or money?
Well, I did, too, and today, I am sharing the eight critical insights with you.
Summary: Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast – “The Best Financial Decisions I Have Made”
Hi, my name is Annette Bau (bah oo).
I’m a Certified Financial Planner™ and founder of The Millionaire Insider®.
This is the Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast.
Today’s free resource is our Millionaire Mindset Guide.
You can go to Millionaire Mindset to access it.
This resource will show you how they think, develop habits, and create wealth, you can access this free guide. I’ve spent the last 30-plus years advising and researching wealthy clients, and I share all the insight and financial decisions in this resource.
The insight you’ll learn in this resource is priceless, and it’s unavailable because most people haven’t spent the last three decades advising millionaires and almost forty years researching them. So again, https://themillionaireinsider.com/smmg.
All materials and intellectual property are copyrighted by MillionaireSeries.com®.
This information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace any advisor or specialist or provide investment, financial, tax, retirement, planning, or healthcare advice.
By accessing this content, you agree to hold MillionaireSeries.com® and its affiliates harmless for results achieved or not achieved.
So, let’s dive into
The Best Financial Decisions I Have Made
1. Marry the Right Person
The first one is you must marry the right person. Your partner will impact your personal life, emotions, and financial future.
2. Start Financial Planning Early in Life
The sooner you start creating the plan, the better. I began investing $25 a month 35 years ago, and as I kept saving and accumulating wealth, I became debt-free. Starting early was one of the best financial decisions you can make.
3. Hire a Great Team of Advisors
In the episode, I share insight on my entire team. I began hiring a CPA, who I still work with today.
She also helps with accounting and questions relating to that. Then, I hired an estate planning attorney. You may need someone who manages money and helps you with your insurance, cash flow, and retirement planning if you do not have the expertise.
4. Live Debt Free
I became a millionaire at about age 32 and debt-free at about age 43. I was almost debt-free at about 40.
Living debt-free has been one of the best financial decisions I have made.
5. Spend Less Than You Make
On Episode 27: Overspending, I share easy-to-implement strategies to spend less and save more.
6. Start Investing Early
The sooner you begin investing, the better.
Always check with a qualified advisor before investing in anything, whether it’s stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate.
Today’s podcast will share insight on investing in real estate in today’s market.
7. Passive Income
I learned early on from millionaires that the focus should be on streams of income and revenue versus a time-for-money model.
Examples of passive guaranteed income.
Guaranteed annuities offered through insurance companies are one of the most common passive income sources. Pensions are an option, but not common with younger people.
You can earn passive income from dividends, interest, and an online business. You must figure out your personality and what works for you and then go for it.
That’s the key as far as determining passive versus active revenue.
8. Elevate Your Worth Barometer
Your Worth Barometer is a combination of your self-esteem and your beliefs. It influences our Wealth Barometer to a point. Many millionaires have a high Wealth Barometer and a low Worth Barometer.
You must have a healthy worth barometer to live a fulfilled and wealthy life. And it also gives us the discipline to create a financial plan and commit to securing a financial future and retirement you love. That’s the power of a healthy Worth Barometer.
Recap – “The Best Financial Decisions I Have Made”
Today, I share eight financial decisions that profoundly impacted my life, and they can be yours, too.
Review the insights and financial goals, and then identify one to three actions you can start working on today.
Some necessary steps include marrying the right person, planning early in life, hiring a great team of advisors, and living debt-free.
In addition, Spend less than you make, start investing early in life, create passive streams of income, and elevate your worth barometer.
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Thank you for joining me for
“The Best Financial Decisions I Have Made.”
I’m Annette Bau, (Bah oo).
All international copyrights are reserved.
Bye for now.