Beliefs are powerful and impact all aspects of our lives, including our relationship with money. Sometimes, we don’t have the belief in ourselves. Or we may not believe that you can ever handle money or that you are good with numbers.
Well, I believe in you and that you can do it. Often, that is enough to carry you to the point of believing that maybe you can. And then we can get to where we can do it.
Summary: Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast – “Money Beliefs That Determine Your Future”
Hi, I’m Annette Bau (bah oo), a Certified Financial Planner™ and founder of The Millionaire Insider®.
This is the Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast.
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Let’s dive into
Money Beliefs That Determine Your Future
Money is the medium of exchange we use to purchase essential items.
And, it matters unless you live in a third-world country, enjoy struggling, or want to live broke in retirement.
Whether or not you have a lot of money, your relationship with money will dictate much about your life.
It doesn’t mean you have to have your entire focus on money. But it does matter. If you don’t believe me, try living without it for a while.
While money won’t bring me happiness, neither will poverty.
Wealthy vs. Rich
While people reward people who look like they have money, they do not for people who have money but don’t look like it
Money matters and the goal is to have money. Not to look like you have money unless you desire a broke retirement.
Money Talk Therapy
Learning how to discuss money is an important step.
Open conversations with supportive people have been helpful for some.
Money Scripts
A money script refers to a set of beliefs or attitudes that you have about money.
Ted Klontz, a financial psychologist, conducted a study on beliefs. He discovered four scripts, which we dive into in the podcast.
7 Steps to Healthy Money Mindset
We cover seven steps to create a healthier money mindset.
1. Inventory Your Money Scripts
The first thing you want to do is inventory your money scripts.
2. Identify Your Mindset
The next thing you want to do is to identify your mindset around money, both positive and negative.
3. Get Financial Education
Learn everything you can about finances, investments, and money management. This is going to empower you to make better-informed decisions.
4. Vision Your Fulfilled Life
Once you know your end goal, creating goals to achieve them becomes much easier. So does identifying high-value activities. These are the actions you need to complete so you can achieve your goal.
5. Create a Network
The next thing you want to do is create a supportive network with people who also have a healthy attitude toward money and success.
6. Practice Gratitude
When we cultivate a sense of gratitude for what we have, it’s amazing, but we get more of it.
When you don’t believe you are enough, you worry and feel anxious, which is not ideal.
7. Get Professional Support
Finding a qualified therapist or money coach who can help you replace money beliefs and scripts can be helpful.
Hire a qualified qualified financial advisor if you need your money managed.
Recap – “Money Beliefs That Determine Your Future”
1. Create a Fulfilled Life
The goal is to create a healthier and more empowering relationship with money so you can enjoy your life.
2. Review Common Beliefs and Money Scripts
It is important to identify your beliefs and scripts about money and replace ones that aren’t serving you.
For example, “money is bad,” “I don’t do money,” or “I am bad with numbers.” and replace ones that are not helpful to you.
Once you’ve identified your money beliefs, you can see how they impact your financial decisions and even your net worth.
3. Review 7 Steps to Healthy Money Mindset
Review the seven steps to determine where you need support to create better money beliefs and develop new ones.
4. Create New Alliances
You can create relationships with others who want to secure a retirement and bright financial future.
It’s so much easier to do this journey of money and life if you’ve got like-minded people alongside you.
5. Money Talk Therapy
Talking about money with supportive people can help increase your relationship with money.
I encourage you to go back and review this episode. And more importantly, apply the concepts we dove into today.
Now, take one action that will help you create a secure financial future and retirement you love.
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Thank you so much for joining me for
“Money Beliefs that Determine Your Future.”
I’m Annette Bau (Bah oo), host of the Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast.
All international copyrights are reserved.