Updated May 24nd, 2024.
One of the biggest challenges to achieving financial freedom or success in any area is staying motivated.
If you struggle with motivation, feel overwhelmed, or quickly lose motivation and want to increase motivation, this episode is for you.
In today’s episode, How to Stay Motivated, you will learn how to get and stay on track.
In my 30+ years of advising successful people, it is clear that they do things differently, including:
- How they stay motivated even during tough times
- Managing stress so they don’t get derailed
- Discovering what motivates them
- Mastering their ability to stay on track for the long haul
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Click the image to watch today’s episode:

You will learn:
- How to stay motivated even when you don’t feel energized
- The best strategies to get back on track
- How to manage your stress so that you can stay inspired and motivated
- The one thing you must do to stay on track
- Why most people fail (the biggest insight about success)
- The format to state goals
so you can achieve them
- What you must do to achieve your desired objectives
- One simple insight you can do today to improve your results
- What you need to know to create the mindset to succeed
- The best insight to reduce stress and increase focus
- How to use minimalism to achieve your results
- How to create a support group on your journey
- The solution to reduce anxiety, fear, and worry so that you can stay on track
- What to do to experience more financial peace and why it is so important
- Where to start on your journey
- How to think clearly, so you can determine the next best step
- How to slow down our mind
Here is the link again: “How to Stay Motivated”
Additional Tips for Better Mental Health and Clarity:
Our mindset can have a large impact on our motivation. Studies show that mental health issues can cause problems when it comes to staying motivated.
The first step is to recognize something is wrong. Many people find that supportive friends and family can help them when they lack motivation.
Limit Social Media Usage
Limiting your exposure to negative news and social media sites can also reduce overwhelm and anxiety, which can impact your motivation.
Exposure to negative news over the long term can harm your brain and even produce mental health disorders.
Set Goals & Track Them
Identifying your goals is a critical step. Setting specific goals is a great first step to focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want.
A great strategy is to set a specific, achievable goal and track your progress. Once you have accomplished this goal, you can set more challenging goals.
Once you know where you are heading, create a list of tasks. This can help to calm your nervous system and feelings of being overwhelmed, which many experience when completing the actions required to achieve their goals.
Many people share that crossing off items on their to-do list gives them a sense of accomplishment and helps make those monumental tasks seem less hassle.
Take Care of Your Physical Health
In addition, taking care of your body is vital to motivation. This includes adequate water, proper nutrients, and quality sleep.
Your brain won’t be happy if the rest of your body isn’t happy. For this reason, it’s important to give yourself the necessary resources to maintain mental and physical health.
Keep your daily routine organized and in order.
Finally, it can help to write down a list of bullet points of the actions you must complete the next day before going to sleep for the night.
Recap — How To Stay Motivated
Getting and staying motivated can be difficult for many. You have this amazing goal to get your finances in order or update your estate plan, and then you lose motivation, and life gets in the way.
By following these simple steps, you can’t help but get more motivated so you can achieve your life and financial goals.