In 4th grade, my teacher told me I was only using 7-12% of my brain. When I asked her about the other 88-93% of my brain, she responded, “No one really knows.”
I remember thinking that if I could learn the secret to using even 10% more of my brain, imagine its impact on our lives.
From more success in my business, life, and money to peace of mind, discovering the secret changed everything. The possibilities were unlimited. So, I committed to figuring it out. And today, I share that insight with you.
Here’s a glance at this episode…
>> (4:02) The history of the brain
>> (6:10) What to do if you have fear or anxiety about your money
>> (8:28) What each part of the brain supports
>> (13:50) The mirror of your subconscious mind and the best question to ask
>> (15:28) The best primary strategies to achieve results
>> (18:43) Tips to help you program your mind
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So, What is Your Subconscious Mind?
Experts believe that the subconscious mind controls up to 98% of how we show up and what we do. Scientists believe your subconscious mind is located in the brain’s limbic system. It is the gateway to accessing deeper emotions, memory, and creative thought. It has immense power over your behavior and can be a powerful ally in achieving success and fulfillment in life.
The primary function of the subconscious mind is to store and process memories, experiences, beliefs, and values. It helps to make decisions and influence behavior without conscious thought or effort. It also influences how we perceive the world around us and how we interact with it.
The subconscious mind, also called the unconscious mind, works best when balanced with the conscious mind (prefrontal cortex). When this balance is achieved, it can be a powerful tool for creating positive change in our lives. The subconscious mind has no filter regarding thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. It can store and process negative and positive information without judgment or bias.
With practice and awareness, you can tap into the power of your subconscious mind to manifest success, overcome challenges, and create a more fulfilling life.
It’s helpful to remember that the subconscious mind is always working in the background, influencing our thoughts, feelings, and behavior—even when we’re unaware of it. By harnessing its power, you can make positive changes in your life and create a more fulfilling future.
The Impact of Our Thoughts
To change or reprogram our thoughts, we must understand that our beliefs influence our behaviors. And our behaviors determine our results.
We need to accept that some beliefs and behaviors benefit us and others, such as abundance blocks, do not. To make lasting change, we must distinguish between the two. When you focus on what you want and the activities required to make it a reality, it is easier to change how to think and what you do.
Why Reprogram Your Mind?
Begin by imagining a computer that has a virus on it. If you ignore the virus, will your computer operate successfully?
Now, think of two people who want to create a fulfilled and wealthy life and achieve their financial goals.
One person believes they can achieve their goal and is taking daily steps to make it a reality. The other person doesn’t believe it is possible, so they instead focus on how hard life is and how nothing ever works in their favor.
Which person do you think is more likely to achieve their goal?
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Another great analogy is a computer that is missing a file. If you want to create a spreadsheet but do not have the software loaded onto your computer, how likely will it be for you to create one?
The same is true about our minds. If we want to create a financially free life we love, but we work when we feel like it, overspend, and ignore money blocks, how likely is it that we will achieve our goal?
To better understand our mind, let’s begin by reviewing beliefs and habits.
What is a hard-wired neural pathway?
A hard-wired neural pathway is a pattern of neurons conditioned over time to create a specific response or behavior. Over time they become habits.
This can be created through repetitive experiences and new learning. An excellent example is muscle memory, which occurs when a person repeats an action multiple times, and the brain creates a neural pathway for the specific activity. The more a person practices an action, the stronger and more automatic this neural pathway becomes.
If we set a goal to operate at peak performance, we would need habits that make that goal possible.
Some habits help us to achieve our goals, such as a positive mindset, adequate sleep, a healthy diet, and exercise. Other habits would keep us from achieving our goal (negative mindset, inadequate sleep, unhealthy diet, and no exercise).
Hard-wired neural pathways are very useful in helping us to perform complex tasks quickly and efficiently. They are also important for developing habits and behavior patterns that allow us to live richer and more fulfilled lives.
“How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind?”
Studies show that it takes between 18-254 days to change a habit on average 66 days.
Developing new habits takes time. Examples of these habits are removing negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. Set realistic expectations as you start to form these habits.
1. Experts agree that the best time to program or reprogram your subconscious mind is during the alpha and theta brain wave stages. The alpha stage is when you are awake but very relaxed, like just before you sleep or meditate. The theta stage is when you wake up, practice deep meditation, or during REM sleep.
2. Another popular technique to reprogram your subconscious mind is repetition. This requires that you continue to act – whether you feel like it or not. It can be helpful to schedule times throughout the day to complete the required action.
3. Visualization can be a powerful tool as the subconscious mind can’t distinguish between something real and something imagined. It entails getting into a relaxed state and then seeing what you want to achieve.
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4. Positive Affirmations and Affirmative statements are also effective at programming our minds and removing subconscious beliefs. The best statements include “I am” or “I active verb.”
5. Muscle reprogramming is another option to reprogram and create new neural pathways.
6. Binaural beats also work to reprogram your subconscious mind by manipulating the brainwave frequencies.
Conclusion – “How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind”
Programming your mind and creating new habits are important skills to develop.
While it can seem “woo-woo” on the surface, taking practical steps can change the trajectory of your wealth and life.
Until our next episode, take one action that will help you create a secure financial future and retirement you love.
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Thank you so much for joining me for
“How to Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind.”
I’m Annette Bau (Bah oo).
All international copyrights are reserved.
Bye for now.