Please answer the questions so we can support you in getting to your next level! "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 6 16% Personal InformationName* First Last Telephone*Email Address* Current Personal Status Single Married Significant Other Widowed Divorced How did you find out about us? Describe Your Plan (include all phases, i.e. foundation, strategy, and execution)*How long have you been in business?* Share your top 3 Objectives you want to achieve in the upcoming year*Share your two biggest challenges at this time (professional or personal)* How much money did you earn last year (gross revenue in dollars)?* Less than $100,000 $100,001 - $250,000 $250,001 - $500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000 Greater than $1,000,000 Other How much money do you ultimately want to earn (in dollars)?* $100,000 or more $250,000 to $500,000 $500,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 to $5,000,000 Greater than $5,000,000 Other How much money are you committed to earn next year (in dollars)? Do you have your goals in writing?* Yes No If you have your goals in writing, please share your written income goal for the next year. What do you do for fun? What are your biggest barriers that are keeping you from achieving your desired results (money, time, resources, not knowing what to do)?*Are you committed to do the work and will you change the behaviors to achieve your desired result?* Yes No On average, how many hours of sleep do you get each evening?* If you drink coffee, how many cups do you drink each day? Do you weigh your ideal weight?* Yes No Describe your Ideal Client*Do you have at least 50 ideal prospects in your funnel?* Yes No What lead generation strategies do you currently use?*On average, how many total hours do you work each day?* How many hours do you spend each day on activities that only you can complete?* Which best describes you the majority of the time?* The need to be right (I love to win!) The need to be in relationship (I would rather get along) What are your life/business goals for the next year (check all that apply)?* More Qualified Leads To Create a Business Plan Better Systems and Operations Better Work Life Balance More Passive or Residual Income What is getting in your way (check all that apply)?* Lack of vision Challenge focusing Lack of strategy I need more time What else is getting in your way (check all that apply)?* Lack of financial resources I don’t know what to do I need better clients I need a plan Other Share what else is getting in your way: Are you ready to do the work you need to do to achieve your desired goals?* Yes No Tell us how we can best support you:*What’s your timeline for creating a plan and taking action so you can get your desired results?* As soon as possible In 2-3 months In 3-6 months Once I have more money How much money do you have to invest in the success of your business each month (including marketing)?* I am struggling financially $200 - $500 $501 - $1,000 Greater than $1,000 Which resources are you most interested in (choose all that apply)?* Marketing Resources Selling & Scripting Resources Marketing to Affluent Women or Couples Resources Whatever will support me in getting the results I desire (I need your help) Other Is there anything else we should know about you and your business?*Thank you for completing the assessment, you will receive an email from regarding your next best step. Δ