Money Mindset Mastery


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In this Masterclass, you will learn:

• The problem with residual income
• The millionaire goal setting secret.
• How to predict your financial destiny.
• The 21st century financial freedom formula.
• The 3 critical elements to a successful financial plan.


About Annette Bau, CFP®

Annette Bau, author the 7 Principles of Becoming a Fulfilled and Wealthy MillionaireAbout Founder

Annette Bau (bah hoo), CFP® is a Certified Financial Planner™, founder of The Millionaire Insider®, and host of the Wealth Inside and Out® Podcast. She has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals master their money and mindset. She has been an advisor and researcher to the top 1-2% of millionaires for over 35 years. Our mission is to provide you with the insight and tools you need to secure your financial future and create a retirement you love. Click here to get started.